There are several potential causes for the "We're sorry. This account has been disabled." error in Cayuse 424, Cayuse SP, and Cayuse IRB.
The first has to do with capitalization, which is critical in both the user ID and the password for Cayuse. If the user name is set up in Cayuse as "JDoe", you will not be able to log into Cayuse using "jdoe", "JDOE", or any other capitalization that does not match what is in Cayuse 424. The same is true for the password, of course.
The second has to do with duplicate accounts in Cayuse 424. If the user has more than one account with the exact same User ID, even if the others have been disabled, the user will not be able to log in and will receive this error message. If this happens, please contact Cayuse Support.
The third way that this issue can occur is if your university is using Single Sign-On (SSO), meaning that you sign into the University's system one time and then you can click on any application link without logging in again. If the system is set up to expect 'jdoe' as your username and you enter '', you will get the "account disabled" error. Try adding or removing the '' extension to your username and logging in again.
And finally, if your university is using Single Sign-On and you have credentials for that SSO but do not yet have an account in Cayuse at all, you will get the "account disabled" error message. Please contact your local Cayuse administrator at your institution for account creation.
If none of these appear to be the case, please contact Cayuse Product Support for assistance.