If your institution is licensed only for Cayuse 424, see: Logging in to Cayuse 424
If your institution is licensed for Cayuse IACUC, see: Logging in to Cayuse IACUC
There are several ways the login page may appear, depending on which Cayuse applications your institution uses and whether your institution uses Single Sign On (SSO). If your institution uses SSO, your login page will be branded with your institution's logo and other identifying information. Please see your local Cayuse admin for login instructions.
This is the main login screen for the Cayuse Research Suite if your institution does not use SSO and is licensed for Cayuse SP or Cayuse IRB:
Enter your username and password and click Sign in.
You will then see the landing page where you can launch the applications.
Select the desired application from the list to launch the application in a new browser tab.