Things to Know
- Information on this page is subject to change. This page was last updated September 25, 2024.
- Features below are not functional in the application until UAT release date.
- You may need to clear your cache in order to enable changes in this release.
Release Summary
Here's a quick overview of the updates in this release:
- Updated custom email template with Funding Program object values
- Improvements and updates to the Rule Builder functionality
- Improved dashboard accessibility
- New proposals can now join existing projects
- General bug fixes
Release Dates and Downtime
Release dates are subject to change. Release date changes will be noted in the Change Log below.
Downtime required: ~1 hour
Change Log:
July 9: Additional information resources added for Rule Builder
July 22: UAT and Prod dates added
July 24: UAT and Prod dates updated to TBD due to newly found bug to be addressed with release
July 26: New UAT and Prod dates updated
Aug 01: Known Issues section added below.
Aug 13: Fix added below to Resolved section
Aug 13: Known Issues mentioned below are being addressed and fixed with re-deployment of UAT on August 13th
Sep: 25: Enhancement added to Form Builder
Known Issues (all resolved as of August 13th)
- If a research team member's name field is deleted, and then the user navigates to another section of the form and later returns to the section with the research team object, a warning will appear if they make changes to the research team object. This warning indicates that multiple users are editing the same information, and the changes will be overwritten.
- If the desired change is repeated a second time, then it will save as expected.
- If a saved rule is edited with multiple conditions in the rule builder and then all but one condition is deleting before re-saving and publishing it, an internal server error will occur when trying to save the form content for a new record.
- The system is still saving an operator after the first condition, which is causing the error trying to evaluate the rule.
- To avoid this issue, once a rule is saved with multiple conditions, either need to keep it that way, or delete the rule and create a new one if need to reduce the number of conditions back to one.
- If you find yourself in this situation, the offending rule needs to be deleted or updated with another condition and the form republished to stop the problem from happening on new records.
Detailed Release Notes
Major Update: Rule Builder
- We have made major updates to the Rule Builder functionality, including:
- A more intuitive workflow when defining a rule.
- Adding multiple conditions is now supported within a single rule.
- Unit Review Rules and Research Team Review rules can now be configured to require additional reviews, which will also be referred to as Unit Rollup Reviews. This setting, paired with the SP Routing Profile page added to the Unit details page in the Admin module, allows your institution to customize which rules require the additional reviews, as well as customize the unit rollup path for each unit in the Admin module.
- More information about the
Learn more with the following resources:
- New Rule Builder functionality Help Center Article
- New Rule Builder functionality Video (7 min view time)
- Unit Rollup Reviews Help Center Article
- Unit Rollup Review Video (5 min view time)
New and Enhanced: Form Builder
The Simplified (SFB) and Advanced (AFB) Form Builders have been updated to allow display/ignore logic within the new Funding Program object. In addition to current functionality which allows you to set display/ignore logic on the form object types (listed below) having ANY value, you can now set display/ignore logic based on a SPECIFIC value (e.g., Unit Finder = 'Unit 1'). Applicable form object types:
- Person Finder
- Unit Finder
- External Organization Finder
- AU/NZ Classification Code
- Funding Program
To aid AFB users in setting up these complex rules, the Condition Expression Builder modal window has been upgraded for the Ignore, Visible, and Enable attributes.
Via a simple click of the new Create Simple Expression button, you have access to the SFB modal to create expressions that are then imported to the AFB interface.
The created expression is visible to the user which allows them the ability to edit, add to, cancel or reset the expression. Simple expressions built using this new functionality enables the form to match the format and functionality of a form built using the SFB. If preferred, you still have the option to define their own condition expression.
See additional details below for more information and images.
New and Enhanced: General
- Email templates have been updated to allow the inclusion of the following Funding Program object values when configuring emails: Name, Funding Round, Round Year, and Internal Closing Date
- We continued to make accessibility improvements focused around the components on the dashboards.
- When creating a new proposal, it can now be added to any existing project, even those that don't already have proposal records within them.
Added Aug 12, 2024 - Issue: The ability to search for a project title when adding a new proposal to an existing project was broken.
Resolution: Users can search for a project title now when adding a new proposal to an existing project.
Issue: Email notifications generated from review rules resulted in cluttered inboxes for customers, with each triggered rule generating a separate email notification.
Resolution: Email notifications from review rules have been updated so that when the same rule is triggered by multiple answers, a single email notification is sent containing all answers, rather than separate emails for each triggered answer.
Issue: If you chose a proposal or award while not on the first dashboard page and then moved to the project details page, the records on that project weren’t showing up correctly on each tab.
Resolution: Implemented a fix to ensure that records on the project details page are displayed properly on each tab, even if a proposal or award was selected while not on the first page of the dashboard.
Issue: The minimum and maximum validation messages were not displaying on finder objects (person, unit, and external organization).
Resolution: Restored the functionality to display minimum and maximum validation messages on finder objects (person, unit, and external organization).
Issue: AU/NZ classification code object columns were not populating in the in-app Award report.
Resolution: Implemented a fix to address the issue causing AU/NZ classification code object columns to not populate in the in-app Award report.
Issue: Some team members were not receiving review notifications when there were more than 10 members on a team.
Resolution: Deployed a solution to ensure that all team members receive review notifications, irrespective of the team size exceeding 10 members.
Issue: After selecting a study, the Approval and Expiration Date fields were not being displayed on the SP-HE object.
Resolution: Addressed an issue causing the Approval and Expiration Date fields to display inaccurate values on the SP-HE object following study selection and it now works properly.
Issue: After selecting a study in the search results, sometimes a different study would be displayed in the integration card. This was occurring when the selected study had a study number that matched other studies as well (i.e. “FY2024-1” selected, but “FY2024-10” existed as well)
Resolution: Addressed the issue so that the selected study in the search results is the one that is displayed in the integration card.
Issue: When multiple SP routing rule notification emails are sent due to a failure in creating review tasks and subsequent automatic retries, it causes unnecessary email flooding and confusion among recipients.
Resolution: To address this issue, changes have been implemented to prevent the system from sending multiple routing rule notification emails during automatic retries. While the system will continue to reattempt, additional emails will not be sent on each reattempt.
Issue: When dropdown objects had review rules based on the answers, the rules weren’t triggering as expected if the dropdown object answer had a common.
Resolution: Addressed this issue so that answers with a comma still trigger the rule as expected.
Additional Information: Form Builder
Click the hamburger icon on the Ignored, Visible or Enabled attributes to access the new functionality.
Select the Create Simple Expression button.
The SFB expression builder opens.
Once conditions are selected in the SFB, Expression text can be added, editing, or canceled.
Edit or Reset the Expression by clicking the Reset expression button.
Complete any required fields prior to publishing.
(Ref ID: 24.02.32)