As an Administrator, you can manage proposals from the Sponsored Projects dashboard. From the landing page, click Products, then click Sponsored Projects.
View Proposals by Status
Proposals fall into seven different status categories. You can filter proposals by status by clicking on the desired status box, or view all proposals in the list below the status boxes.
The Proposal Interface
- Project Name: This section also contains breadcrumbs back to the proposal's project, as well as a user's active projects.
- My Actions: The Route for Review button will activate once each section beneath Proposal Sections has a green check mark. If a user has permissions to complete the review, the Complete Review button will activate once routing has finished.
- Proposal Summary: This section will provide at-a-glance information, such as Sponsor, Deadlines, and Proposed amount.
- Status: The status flag lets you know what phase the proposal is in: In Development, Under Review, Approved, Submitted to Sponsor, Under Consideration, Funded, and Closed. To learn how to manually edit a proposal status, click here.
- Proposal Tabs: The proposal tabs provide additional information, and let you add additional assets to your proposal (see the Additional Tabs section below for more information).
- Proposal Sections: The proposal sections are configured through the Form Manager by a System Administrator. All sections must have a checkmark in order to route the proposal for review. An exclamation mark means that the section contains a required field that hasn't yet been completed.
- Proposal Form: The form is where users fill out their proposal information, and is configured through the Form Manager by a System Administrator.
- Connected Link: Links to any connected project.
Additional Tabs
Proposal Forms include additional tabs that are optional to complete. Users with appropriate access to a Proposal may add/edit tab information at any time.
- Routing: As an Administrator, you must configure Routing Rules prior to anyone users creating a new proposal.
- History: View proposal status and history. Proposal status can also be viewed from the Sponsored Projects dashboard.
- Access: Manage who can view or edit the proposal.
- Tasks: View tasks relating to the proposal.
- Notes: Add comments to the proposal for reference.
- Attachments: Upload important files.
- Links: Displays data from records in connected systems (Developer to set up).
- Admin Only: Add notes and attachments that are only visible to other Administrators (tab only visible to SP System and SP Proposal Administrators).